Volume 31,Issue 3,2007 Table of Contents

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The Climatology and Annual Cycle of Meridional Transport of Westerly Momentum by Stationary Waves in the Northern Hemisphere
  WANG Lin,CHEN Wen,HUANG Rong-Hui and et al
  2007,31(3):377-388 [Abstract]  [View PDF(728.44 K)]
Numerical Modeling of the Influence of Eurasian Orography on the Diurnal Change of Summer Atmospheric Circulation
  LIU Xin,WANG Jun,WU Guo-Xiong and et al
  2007,31(3):389-399 [Abstract]  [View PDF(6.81 M)]
A Multiscale Identifying Algorithm for Heavy Rainfall and Application in Nowcasting
  WANG Gai-Li and LIU Li-Ping
  2007,31(3):400-409 [Abstract]  [View PDF(4.95 M)]
Determination of the Spatial Resolution Required by the Atmospheric Numerical Model
  ZHU He,SUN Lan and LIAO Dong-Xian
  2007,31(3):410-417 [Abstract]  [View PDF(9.41 M)]
Research on the Interannual and Interdecadal Variations of the Atmospheric Ozone in the Middle Latitude Region of the Northern Hemisphere
  GUO Shi-Chang,CHANG You-Li and ZHANG Li-Na
  2007,31(3):418-424 [Abstract]  [View PDF(2.53 M)]
Studies of the Structure of a Stratiform Cloud and the Physical Processes of Precipitation Formation
  HU Zhao-Xia,LEI Heng-Chi,GUO Xue-Liang and et al
  2007,31(3):425-439 [Abstract]  [View PDF(3.04 M)]
Analysis of H2O and CH4 Distribution Characteristics in the Middle Atmosphere Using HALOE Data
  BI Yun,CHEN Yue-Juan,XU Li and et al
  2007,31(3):440-448 [Abstract]  [View PDF(656.44 K)]
A Study of Assimilation of Surface Observational Data in Complex Terrain Part II: Representative Error of the Elevation Difference Between Model Surface and Observation Site
  XU Zhi-Fang,GONG Jian-Dong,WANG Jian-Jie and et al
  2007,31(3):449-458 [Abstract]  [View PDF(711.23 K)]
The Analysis on Variation of Horizontal De-correlation Length with Model Resolution in Data Assimilation System
  GONG Jian-Dong
  2007,31(3):459-467 [Abstract]  [View PDF(446.19 K)]
The Ensemble Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Track Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation
  HUANG Xiao-Gang,FEI Jian-Fang and LU Han-Cheng
  2007,31(3):468-478 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.17 M)]
Effects of Variation of Low Ozone Center over the Tibetan Plateau on Climate in China
  ZHOU Ren-Jun and CHEN Yue-Juan
  2007,31(3):479-485 [Abstract]  [View PDF(2.15 M)]
A Study of the Radiative Forcing of Clouds by Using a One-Dimensional Radiative-Convective Model
  LIU Yu-Zhi,SHI Guang-Yu and ZHAO Jian-Qi
  2007,31(3):486-494 [Abstract]  [View PDF(473.19 K)]
Frontal Rain and Summer Monsoon Rain During Pre-rainy Season in South China. Part II: Spatial Patterns
  ZHENG Bin,GU De-Jun,LI Chun-Hui and et al
  2007,31(3):495-504 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.93 M)]
Several Climate Factors Influencing the Winter Temperature over China
  LI Yong,LU Ri-Yu and HE Jin-Hai
  2007,31(3):505-514 [Abstract]  [View PDF(4.59 M)]
The Impacts of Dust Aerosol from Deserts of China on the Radiative Heating Rate over Desert Sources and the North Pacific Region
  WANG Hong,SHI Guang-Yu,WANG Biao and et al
  2007,31(3):515-526 [Abstract]  [View PDF(626.48 K)]
The Breeding of Growing Modes with Dynamic Rescaling in Ensemble Prediction and Improvement on Free Breeding
  YU Yong-Feng,ZHANG Li-Feng and LUO Yu
  2007,31(3):527-535 [Abstract]  [View PDF(674.41 K)]
Numerical Simulation of the Intraseasonal Oscillation Part I: Simulative Natural Variability
  JIANG Guo-Rong,YU Yong-Qiang and HE Jin-Hai
  2007,31(3):536-546 [Abstract]  [View PDF(4.23 M)]
Theoretical and Numerical Research on Three-Dimensional Three-Layer Lee Wave
  ZANG Zeng-Liang,ZHANG Ming and ZHANG Gui
  2007,31(3):547-552 [Abstract]  [View PDF(440.36 K)]
An Observation Study of the Scattering Properties of Aerosols over Shangdianzi, Beijing
  KE Zong-Jian and TANG Jie
  2007,31(3):553-559 [Abstract]  [View PDF(1.87 M)]